I’ve told you all about the Museum Adventure Pass a while back, but not everyone is all cultured and such. What about the outdoorsy types? For those of you that want to get outside and enjoy the Michigan State Parks, I give you the “Park & Read” program.
From the Department of Natural Resources website:
Park & Read allows library-card holders the ability to "check-out" a one-day pass into any Michigan state park or recreation area in lieu of the resident daily motor vehicle permit. This is a $6 savings and free access to the more than 500 events taking place in local parks this summer.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Library of Michigan, Macy’s, and the Hammock Company sponsor this program.
How does it work?
Some of the parks will have hammocks available for Park & Read participants, subject to availability. A summer day in Michigan, a book, a park, and a hammock; how can you beat that?
My library, Bloomfield Township, isn’t participating in the program, yet. However, new libraries are still being added to the list. Check to see if your library is participating in the Park & Read program.
We haven't checked out any of the state park and recreation areas yet, but I'm sure we will soon. Summer weather is coming, right?