Photos from the Theatre Bizarre Grounds
Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 12:48PM
Becks Davis in Becks Davis, Detroit, Detroit, Detroit Moxie, block party, carnival, detroit blog, theatre bizarre, things to do in Detroit, underground, west state fair

City officials squashed Theatre Bizarre, one of the most anticipated parties of the year. The underground fest that is part carnival, part block party, and all kinds of crazy has been moved from its grounds at West State Fair to The Fillmore.

Back in September, I had the opportunity to tour the Theatre Bizarre grounds as it was putting the finishing touches on this year’s event. The experience will be much different now that the party is moving inside but I still wanted to share these photos with you.

As beautiful and wacky as it is under bright sunlight, the magic really comes alive when darkness hits and the characters show up.

Follow the Theatre Bizarre FaceBook page for updates about tonight's party.

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