Tennis Anyone?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 1:42AM
Becks Davis in Becks Davis, Detroit Moxie, Metro Detroit, The dictionary project, detroit blog, female detroit bloggers, fundraiser, tennis, word-up

For those that don’t follow this blog regularly, a few other female blogger friends and I have joined up with PositiveDetroit.Net and Operation: Kid Equip for The Dictionary Project.

You see, words are important to us bloggity types. Words are all we have. We want the children of our community to love words as much as we do. We want to empower them. We want them to make up better words than bloggity.

Thus, Word-Up! Talking Trash For Kids was born. Local bloggers, Facebookers, Tweeters, friends, family, and followers are coming together to raise money for The Dictionary Project while having fun and playing tennis.

You Cannot Be Serious!

Oh, I’m serious! You can swing a racquet and hope for bragging rights, heckle the players from the sidelines, or just show your support. Either way, it’s sure to be a fabulous time while raising funds for a good cause.

Word-Up! is Saturday, February 27th from 9-11pm at the Birmingham Racquet Club.

All proceeds from the event will go to The Dictionary Project, an Operation: Kid Equip collaboration with and Local Female Bloggers, to help complete the mission of putting a dictionary in the hands of 25 % of Oakland County School District's 3rd graders.

Warning: Trash talk will be flying at this event, and is more than likely to land out of bounds at times. All attendees, playing or not, should arrive with well-padded egos.

How will it work?

So put your headbands and tube socks on and join us for gentle ribbing. Bring your best game and channel your inner John McEnroe.

Word. Up. Word-Up!

Click here for more event details and to purchase tickets.

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