You're a big kid now, Detroit Moxie!
Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 8:04PM
Becks Davis in Becks Davis, Detroit, Detroit, Detroit Moxie, ashley sako, charlie wollborg, charliecurve, curve detroit, detroit tshirts, redesign, squarespace, t-shirts

Detroit Moxie turned 2 years old on March 20th but I was keeping the big blogoversary quiet while I was working out the kinks of this amazing new site design. Go ahead, look around and fluff the cushions!

So now I can shout it out like the toddler I am, “I’m two, I’m two, I’m two!” I’m pulling up my big kid pants, “Mommy WOW, I’m a big kid now!” At least I'm potty trained, unlike some toddlers I know.

The most colossal of thanks go out to Curve Detroit, Charlie Wollborg (@CharlieCurve), and Ashley Sako (@SakoCurve) for the creativity, vision, and know-how to make Detroit Moxie look like a million bucks. This wouldn't have happened without them.

Seriously, I’m in love with the new design. It’s so pretty and the logo rocks!

I also would like to say thank you to Hadi Kadri (@HadiKadri) for helping me implement the new design with his Photoshop skills. The next one is on me!

Oh, and did ya see? Scroll down the sidebar, t-shirts are coming soon! Oh heck, I’ll just show you here. See!

Coming soon on a body near you!

Besides the beautiful and more user-friendly design, expect some fresh new content. I’m starting a new feature or two in the next few weeks that I’m hoping you’ll like. After all, I’ve got those 9 truths to tell you about. Plus there is so much going on in Detroit that I can hardly keep up!

There are still a few bugs to work out with the new design. If you notice something is wonky please let me know. 

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