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Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup

This time of year is great for me; there are tons of events going on in and around Detroit. It made it really difficult to only pick 5 events this week. I could have easily had 10 events in the Weekend Roundup this time around.

Now I just have to have a word with Mother Nature, this weather hasn’t been very pleasant.

Weekend Roundup

1. Detroit's Downtown HoeDown - 1,000,000 people are expected at the world's largest free country concert in Hart Plaza. Almost 20 national acts and over 30 local bands will be rocking 3 stages. May 14-16.

2. Flower Day at Eastern Market - Over 15-acres of flowers, shrubbery, trees, and tropical plants will be available for purchase. There will also be music, food, and family-friendly activities. May 16th.

3. The Birmingham Parade featuring the Basset Waddle - The annual parade celebrating Birmingham, Michigan ends with the Basset Waddle. What could be cuter than watching a bunch of basset hounds waddle down Old Woodward? May 16th.

4. Motor City Comic Con - Comic books, pop culture, movie memorabilia, and sci-fi collide at Rock Financial Showplace. May 14-16.

5. Downtown Royal Oak Wine Stroll - Enjoy wine and food samples from 17 restaurants and retailers. May 15th.

Bonus: The $50 for 5e Music Festival takes place the The 5e Gallery in Corktown on May 15th.

Double Bonus: Head to Start Up Weekend Detroit for 54 hours of community building, networking, and fun. May 14-16. Oh, and you might just start a company too!

Do you know of a great event going in on Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!


Street Artist Banksy Tags Detroit

Do you remember the other day when I briefly mentioned Banksy, the street artist from Bristol, England? Well, much to my delight, I found this article late Monday evening from the Metro Times that broke the story that Banksy tagged Detroit.

This excited me beyond words!

I have been a fan of Banksy since hearing about him when I moved to the UK years ago. I still regret that in the 5 years that I lived there that I had never happened upon or looked for his work.

So, with cross-streets in hand and the rain heaving down, my husband and I went on a Banksy hunt yesterday.

We first went to the location of the Tightrope Rat in Warren, Michigan (on the west side of Van Dyke between Anna and Gerald).

We knew which building we were looking for, it's the only industrial building at that location, but we drove around the block for a good 20 minutes before we noticed it. I guess it was smaller than I expected and it blends in pretty well.

Did I mention it that it was pouring cats and dogs? Oh, and there was a huge puddle a few feet from the Tightrope Rat. Standing on the edge of the puddle, I attempted to take my first photo of a Banksy.

And at that point, a few semi trucks decided to drive through the puddle soaking my husband and I from head to toe. As my gentlemanly husband tried to shield me from the tidal wave, I did my best to protect my camera.

Here is Tightrope Rat by Banksy:

The chain tightrope that the rat is walking on is an actual chain, it isn't part of the painting.

And here is a close-up that shows the gold glitter, star shaped glasses that the Tightrope Rat dons.

We then headed further south to see our second Banksy of the day (at the Circle Cleaners on the west side of Van Dyke between Milton and Palmetto in Detroit).

This is Diamond Girl.

Look again at the first known picture of Diamond Girl from the Metro Times and then look back at my photos. They chiseled out all the bricks around her. Someone was trying to steal her.









Late last night, I found this post on Twitter:

You can see from this picture that Banksy’s Diamond Girl in Detroit isn’t there anymore. This had to have happened only hours after we left.

Sadness set in.

Yes, there’s the possibility that someone took Diamond Girl to keep her in tact but I won’t believe it till I see it.

There is one more Banksy in Detroit, “I remember when all this was trees” was at the crumbling Packard Plant. I’m not sure where it is now. It seems the people from the 555 Gallery have removed it to preserve it.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I saw a tweet earlier that said something like “Stay away from my city, Banksy.” I, however, am proud that he thought of us, that he decided to stop in Detroit.

Yes, it might just be a PR stunt to promote his movie, “Exit Through The Gift Shop,” but I look at it from a different perspective. I had to go to the UK to find the love of my life and I had to return to Detroit to see my first Banksy. These things happen.

I’m hoping that the graffiti, street, or urban artists (whatever they call themselves) show some respect. Please don’t tag over Tightrope Rat. Banksy’s work has given your genre respect; don’t take that away.

"Exit Through The Gift Shop" is now playing at the Main Art Theatre in Royal Oak, Michigan.


The 5e Gallery Believes in Community

The 5e Gallery, a non-profit visual art and hip hop gallery in Corktown, is moving to a new location. They’re celebrating in style this Saturday with the 50 for 5e Music Festival, a 12-hour music marathon including performances by Monica Blaire, D. Allie, and Invincible.

The 50 for 5e features over 50 artists from Detroit’s urban music community. The music festival will commemorate the galleries last day at their current location while raising funds to renovate their new venue.

So, what does 50 for 5e mean? For $50 you get 10 event admissions and 5 drink tickets to be used at future 5e events at their new space.

I love that this pre-sale model involves the community; the community is investing in the future of the gallery.

Small business owners and other volunteers are getting involved too. On the same Saturday from 10:00-5:00 PM, Slow’s Barbeque, Avalon
International Breads, Pinnacle Construction and other businesses and
volunteers are coming together to work on the new space. The
site is the former Zeitgeist Gallery at 2661 Michigan Ave., Detroit

The idea is to do some real work and further more cooperation between small businesses in Detroit going forward. Lunch will be served.  Wear work clothes and come prepared to work, have fun and network with others. This is the launch project for withDetroit.

Sicari Ware and Piper Carter, the 5e Gallery coordinators, believe input and involvement from the community are important.

"It's important to involve community in every step of the process. The venue should have a relationship with both the surrounding neighborhood of Corktown, as well as the Detroit artistic community which it serves. This approach allows for involvement in the development stages so that those communities can help shape the vision of 5e moving forward." ~Sicari Ware

The music festival features 50 artists that will perform from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. on May 15th. The event is taking place at their current space at 2125 Michigan Avenue.

If you purchase the 50 for 5e ticket packet you receive free entry to the music festival. If you can’t afford the $50 packet you can still attend the festival for a $5 donation. For more information on the event check out the 5e website.


Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup

We lost a great man this week with the passing of Ernie Harwell. So, I ask this of you, try and follow in his footsteps.

Be kind.

Be humble.

Be a good friend.

Remember to do that everyday. I guarantee it will make your mom proud. And, since Mother's Day is this Sunday, that is probably the best gift you could give her.

Weekend Roundup

1. Rock & Rummage at The Belmont Bar - The Spring Cleaning Spectacular features 10 vendors selling cool goods including vinyl, unique treasures, books, jewelry, art, posters and clothing. May 7th.

2. Second Saturday's Family Fun - Head down to the the Belle Isle Nature Zoo for a family friendly day filled with crafts and nature talks. May 8th.

3. 2010 Graduate Degree Exhibition of Cranbrook Academy of Art - The annual exhibition is being held at MOCAD this year and highlights 77 emerging artists. Through May 9th.

4. Leukemia Society Fundraiser Bar Tour (Facebook Link) - Support a great cause and explore four downtown bars. Free appetizers, shots, and insider treatment are included! Purchase tickets here. May 8th.

5. Bird Walk at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House - Join in on this guided tour on the grounds and enjoy beverages afterwards in the Tea Room. May 8th.

Do you know of a great event going in on Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!


The Writing on the Wall: Graffiti Alley

Graffiti: some call it vandalism and some call it art. I call it both. The more I see of it, the more it pulls me in. It makes me take a harder look at life and brings up questions. I like that.

Graffiti Alley in Ann Arbor, located off of East Liberty Street next to The Michigan Theater, wasn’t always laden with colorful graffiti and tags. It wasn’t always this way.

In 1999, Katherine Tombeau Cost painted a mural in this same alley. It took her 5 months to complete “Infinite Possibilities.”

Those possibilities came to an end in July of 2008 when the mural was white washed over by vandals. However, the brick walls became a new canvas that would grow organically as each new artist would leave their mark.

Now, I don’t condone the vandals that white washed the mural. And I don’t, in general, condone graffiti artists that tag on private property. It needs to be in the right place.

But, you know what? I really like what Graffiti Alley has become. I like that it keeps evolving; that every time you visit something is bound to have changed.

I find Graffiti Alley interesting because there is so much of it in such a small area; it’s like a tunnel of tags that envelop you and life is happening inside of it. On my last visit, there was a band doing a photo shoot and a dancer entertaining the passerby’s in the alley.

I love the urban art in the Dequindre Cut for different reasons; it seems to belong there and each piece is a separate work. It reminds you that amongst the greenway you are still in Detroit.

And I have to say, the artistry of the graffiti in the Dequindre Cut is so much better than in Graffiti Alley.

If you don’t think graffiti can ever be thought provoking take a look at Banksy. He’s known worldwide now and has been a household name in the UK for ages.

The following two pictures are the work of Banksy.

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

Banksy is known for his stencil graffiti and his works are social commentary. They are also are worth a lot of money.

I don’t know much about graffiti or street art, but I know what I like. And I like it if it’s in the right place. I like it if it makes me think or changes my mood.

Next time you’re in Ann Arbor take a walk through Graffiti Alley and let me know what you think.

Also, check out the Banksy movie, “Exit Through The Gift Shop.” It’s billed as “the world’s first street art disaster movie” and opens at the Main Art Theatre in Royal Oak on Friday, May 7, 2010.