Secret Photos of The Belle Isle Ice Tree!

The Belle Isle Ice Tree, star of such posts as the self-titled The Belle Isle Ice Tree and Postcards from (old) Detroit, secrets revealed!
The Belle Isle Ice Tree was caught naked with no ice to be found! The former Christmas trees were leaning against each other haphazardly and looked sad and ashamed at their appearance, Detroit Moxie has learned.
The shocking images could cost this local phenomenon everything.
“It’s the Ice Tree’s worst nightmare,” a close source told Detroit Moxie.
An anonymous tip sent Detroit Moxie out to Belle Isle on January 1, 2010 and we snapped these tell-all pictures.
The Belle Isle Ice Tree before the ice:
The photos show the simple, almost childlike, engineering that goes on under the magical ice.
Even more amazing is that the water, the sprinkler like contraption at the top of the Ice Tree, wasn’t turned on. With the cold weather and snow we’ve been having all of this embarrassment could have been avoided had someone just turned on the water!
Digging deeper, Detroit Moxie found more pictures. Taken at the end of last season (March 14, 2009) this photo shows the mighty giant melting and beginning to bare all.
The fans of the Belle Isle Ice Tree are anxiously awaiting it to return to its former, beautiful self. The shame must end.
So we ask the powers that be:
Can someone please turn the water on!

Reader Comments (6)
Shocking, f'sure! <heh>
Water might not be in the city budget this year!
Thanks for the update. I was planning on going to see this phenomenon this winter.
Yes, extremely shocking!
Yeah, I hear you about not having the money in the budget but then they wouldn't bother building the tree, right? ;-)
I hope to document the transformation of the Ice Tree this year, so check back for updates.
Ice Tree now clothed in an elegant glittering gown! As of Saturday afternoon, she is fully dressed. It looks like she's been layering her attire for a few days. Thought you'd want to hear.
Thank you so much, Belle Isle! I'll check out the glittering gown tomorrow! Woot!
I grew up in Detroit and this is my first time knowing that an icetree ever existed! Crazy!