From Eastern Market to the Farm

We started our weekend on Saturday morning with a trip to Eastern Market. We stocked up on McClure’s pickles, Zimmerman’s pimento cheese spread and, of course, fresh produce.
I took some pictures, including this one of a farmer/vendor. I was taking photos of his flowers and he insisted I take one of him too. We were in a rush to get something to eat so I quickly snapped the photo. I didn't even stop and talk to him.
After stuffing our tummies with peirogies from the People's Pierogi Collective and pizza from Supino Pizzeria we headed home to drop off our goodies before we headed out for our next stop of the day.
The Peoples Pierogi Collective.
It was our first visit to Art in the Park in Plymouth. The only purchase I made was for my cat Frankie, wild catnip in a small pillow of fabric. He’s been high on catnip ever since!
My husband has spent time in downtown Plymouth but I haven’t. What a beautiful downtown! Cute shops and restaurants line the streets and I can’t wait to head back for a little shopping, dinner, and drinks.
Through the power of Foursquare we were also able to stop and chat with friends who were also at the art fair. Ahh, technology!
On Sunday, we left Detroit and headed out to the country. My mom’s family is from Caro, Michigan and we had a graduation party out there. Driving through the open fields was a serene way to spend the day.
We’ve often referred to that side of the family as “the farmers” even though they haven’t had their own working farms for years. They still live on farms and in farm communities.
Seeing my Great Aunt & Uncle and my cousins was wonderful. My Aunt Stella, my grandma’s sister, is the last surviving sibling of 8. Her husband, my Uncle Elgin, always has a twinkle in his eye.
I have great childhood memories of spending time on the farm. Everything seems so much slower and simpler there.
The day was beautiful and sunny so I was quite surprised to walk outside and see a storm brewing.
You have never seen people more happy to see rain than farmers! Everyone was talking about how much we needed the rain.
You hear that down in metro Detroit too but it tends to be about the grass turning brown and how much the flowers need it.
Up in farm country it’s about the crops, it’s about their livelihood.
Twitter, Facebook, and Foursquare were never brought up. My husband, my parents and I were the only ones to actually pull out our phones. Well, except for the teenagers, they could be seen texting.
A change of scenery can boost your creativity and change your perspective but you have to talk to the people too. People are the fabric of a community. It’s easy to think about that when you’re out of town but remember to do it at home.
A church we passed while up north. The sign on the door reads "closed" and the sign out front says, "selling out, make an offer."
You know that farmer in Eastern Market that wanted me to snap his picture? How I wish I would have stopped and chatted to him! Next time, I'll slow down and remember what I learned on the farm.

Reader Comments (9)
The church picture and caption just speaks volumes!
I know! It shows the economy is hitting all regions and all sectors.
That particular Eastern Market vendor is a real character! He wears his Santa cap in December :)
Pimento cheese & McClure's pickles...two of my favorites. We picked up the McClure's spicy relish last trip down to the market...and, of course, pimento cheese. If you happen to spot the little pretzel loafs at Zingerman's in the market next time around, try them. Yummy with the cheese!
beck, wow. that last pik. so sad.
and yes u should talk to the farmer. ill look for him too! lol
i enjoied art in the park too. i put piks up in my latest post. its funny we might run into each other one day,lol.
Next time I'm down there I'm going to stop and have a conversation with him. Maybe I'll interview him!
I first tried the soft pretzels at Zingerman's deli in A2 so when the woman pointed them out at the Eastern Market stand I just had to get another one. You're right, they go perfectly with the cheese!
Yeah, the pic is a pretty sad statement. I wish I had spent more time photographing the church. I just read your overview of Art in the Park, spot on! I only took one picture at the art fair, of the Marilyn Monroe chalk art! I should have taken more but sometimes I get to caught up behind the lens and forget to enjoy the moment.
I hope we do run into each other! If ya ever see me around, don't be afraid to say hi. I don't bite. :D
I'm so sorry I missed you! We were at Eastern Market Saturday morning as well -- I also couldn't resist the lure of the pimento cheese from Zingerman's. I picked up two tubs... one for my mom -- I swear!
Just enjoyed this poignant essay as part of selective catching up after an unplugged week-plus of hiking - tubing - tenting back east.
You play chords that resonate again, Becks. The change of scenery boosted my spirit and refreshed my perspective.
So does this.
To purchase cuisine from Michigan and the surrounding area or to enjoy a meal, the varied population travels from all around the metro area.
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