Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup

There is only one thing to say today. Let's go Red Wings!
Weekend Roundup
1. Northern Lights 1966: The Powerful Story of Detroit Students Who Stood Up For Their Rights and Won - The Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit premieres this original play with music at the DFT. It tells the story of students at Northern High School who fought for their rights. May 13-15, 20-22.
2. Great Lakes Taiko - Japanese drumming bangs on at Friday Night Live! at the DIA. It's a treat for both the ears and eyes. May 13th.
3. WYCD Downtown Hoedown - Yeehaw! National and local country acts take to Hart Plaza for a 3-day concert that will attract around a million people. Channel 7 anchor Stephen Clark and The Trending Topics perform on Sunday. May 13-15.
4. Farm Days at Maybury Farms - Fun for the whole family down on the farm! Sheep sheering, hay rides, tractors, entertainment and baby animals. Baby animals! May 14-15.
5. Flower Day at Eastern Market - Get your green thumbs ready! Annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees and more. Over 150,000 people visit the flower show, which is one of the largest in the country. May 15th.
6. Motor City Comic Con - Love comic books and pop culture? Then this is the place to be! Merchandise and memorabilia, costume contests, and comic book creators will be on hand. May 13-15.
Do you know of a great event going on in Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!

Reader Comments (8)
Just found out about this one.. First time this year and we'll see about the turnout. Woodbridge community garden, (across from the Pub) will be showing the Goonies out in the Garden around 9pm on Sunday. Bring a blanket and watch a movie in the park!
That sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing. Woodbridge is going to hopping this weekend, there is also this event on Saturday: Scripps Park Art Exhibit & Woodbridge Springfest
Baby animals, country music and flowers all in one weekend + Red Wings? Yay Detroit! :)
My favorite used book sale ever: Bookstock! Thousands upon thousands of books and media for sale at Laurel Park Place in Livonia. Starts Sunday with a morning presale for $10 admission, then at noon becomes free for eight days of the biggest variety of books you'll see anywhere in Metro Detroit besides John King Books.
Great add! Thanks.
It's the weekend of the epic #mosswedding. I know it's not open to the public, but still felt it was worthy to note. :)
Too right, Nikki! I don't post private events but I wish the best for #mosswedding and nothing but happiness for Erica & Matt. :D
Go RED WINGS always, win or lose baby! I adore the city of Detroit with all of my heart even though I no longer live there it never leaves me and Go Detroit Lions always!!!