Don't you forget about me

Brunch with Becks is an ongoing weekend series where I wax poetic on tales from my life starting with the 9 Truths. Yes, I too can’t comprehend that all these odd occurrences have happened to me.
This is the most boring of the “truths” out of the lot but a fight about Brat Pack films did indeed tighten the bond between my husband and I. Since Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off it seemed the best time as any to talk about it. It also makes me feel incredibly old.
Back in 2003, when I barely knew the man I now call my husband, we had a bit of a spat. I recalled it being that he said that Pretty in Pink came out before The Breakfast Club. That’s just crazy talk and I had to correct him.
Thank god for never deleting my emails! His actual statement was that St. Elmo’s Fire came out before The Breakfast Club. I know this because my email tells me it's so.
Either way, I was right. The two movies did come out in the same year, though.
Our love for the Brat Pack genre spurned hours of conversations.
Like the fact that I once wrote John Hughes a letter pointing out 5 continuity flaws in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I never sent the letter and the only one I remember is that there is a Birmingham Groves letterman’s jacket in one scene in the movie.
Or, that when my older brother was in high school he looked EXACTLY like John Cusack. Well, maybe not exactly but put some dark sunglasses on him and sit him in the back of a movie theater and watch the teenage girls go wild.
So, indulge me while I take a stroll through some of my favorite movies of that era.
Pretty in Pink - "His name is Blane? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!"
One Crazy Summer - "When there’s no plan, there’s no attack. No attack, no victory."
"If we give into those people, we’re giving into all the cute and fuzzy bunnies in the world."
Sixteen Candles - Jake: Happy birthday, Samantha. Make a wish. Samantha: Well, it already came true.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - "Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Maitre D': I'm suggesting that you leave before I have to get snooty.
Ferris: Snooty?
Maitre D': Snotty.
Ferris: Snotty?
The Breakfast Club - "Can you describe the ruckus, sir?"
You see us as you want to see us.. In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain and an athlete and a basket case… a princess and a criminal. Does that answer your question?
What are these movies about? We all want to find our place in the world. We get jealous of others who seem to have it easier than us. Good friends are hard to find but once you find them you’ll do anything for them.
It's not much different now as it was way back then.
I feel particularly blessed as I look around at my friends and see amazing and diverse people. Brains and basket cases, athletes and princesses, geeks and leaders, artists and innovators. Luckily, no criminals.
And on that note, “Stay gold, ponyboy. Stay gold."
What are your favorite Brat Pack or coming-of-age movies? Which lines do you have imbedded in your brain?

Reader Comments (8)
I have a youngster friend (in her 20's) who hasn't seen any of these movies. My plan is to have a series of movie nights this summer to school her in classic movie lore. I personally love all the ones that you mentioned, plus Dead Poet's Society, Some Kind of Wonderful, Stand By Me, and so on and so forth. I have a terrible memory and am no good with quotes.
"Do you ever get the feeling that there's something going on that we don't know about?"
From Diner in 1982, and the year was the only detail I just looked up.
Now this post has just one degree of separation from the actor who said it. And with that hint, you don't need to look up his name.
I love that you both argued over the dates. I'd say my favorite is Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles. Oh, Jake Ryan - swoon! I couldn't get enough of either of those movies. I never really got into The Breakfast Club for some reason.
How fun, what a great movie marathon idea! I love Dead Poets Society! And I think I get my hairstyle influence from Some Kind of Wonderful.
Kevin Bacon in Diner! You know, I've only seen parts of that movie. For some reason, I've never watched the whole thing.
Stay away from Jake Ryan, he's mine! So yummy. Pretty in Pink is Andy's favorite. I lean more towards The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller and Sixteen Candles.
So agree about Ferris Bueller.I realize movies often require a suspension of disbelief, but I'm always struck while watching that flick that he had the longest day ever to skip school. And what, there's suddenly none of that infamous Chicago traffic to suck up all your time traveling downtown from the suburbs?
Oh, and my favorite '80s/Brat Pack coming-of-age movies:
Breakfast Club
Repo Man (this skirts the criteria, I know, but it does star Emilio Estevez)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
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