The DIA's Inside|Out project hits 11 cities this fall

The Detroit Institute of Arts' Inside|Out project is now in its second year and they have installations in 11 communities throughout metro Detroit. Inside|Out takes reproductions of masterpieces from the DIA’s collection and puts them on display in streets and parks.
People can interact with the art and see them in places that they frequent on a regular basis. It makes art more accessible to those that don’t think of themselves as art connoisseurs.
The 2011 Fall installation began on September 1st and runs through November 30, 2011. You can find the Inside|Out project in Detroit, Birmingham, Warren, Macomb Township, Armada, Franklin, Belleville, Milford, Lake Orion, Oxford and Holly.
Lindsay Root shot this video from the Howell Inside|Out over the summer and shared it with me.
You can download maps of all of the locations and add your photos to the DIA's Flickr group.
Lindsay Root grew up in Howell, attended CMU and moved to California for 17 years. He’s back in Howell and shoots and edits video every day, mostly centered around community based stories. He’s proud of his work as the Chief Supervising Editor on the ground breaking PBS kids series "Jay Jay the Jet Plane.” But most people get distracted by the fact that he was Peewee Herman's (Paul Reubens) personal documentarian during the tail end of the "Playhouse" and through out the production and release of "Bigtop Peewee". He’s had a long association with Film Director Randal Kleiser of Grease fame.

Reader Comments (3)
Birmingham's seven works will be installed Wednesday, Sept. 28 . . . in case anyone else wonders.
Thanks for sharing that, Alan!
I havent been to the Detroit Institute of Arts since I was a teen, I'm going to take my children there very soon.