Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup

The post-holiday aftermath: empty boxes litter the living room, shards of wrapping paper can be found in every room and a ton of snow fell on metro Detroit. That’s what our house looks like anyway.
We hope you all had a lovely holiday and urge you to be safe as we head into the New Year’s Eve celebrations. Don’t drink and drive!
Weekend Roundup
1. Michigan Science Center - Formerly known as the Detroit Science Center, the interactive museum is now reopened after being closed since September 2011. Enjoy exteneded weekday hours through January 6th.
2. Michigan By The Bottle Tasting Room - This newly opened tasting room features Michigan wine from six of their partner wineries from around the state including Peninsula Cellars and Chateau de Leelanau. Special holiday hours through December 30th. (They are also open on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!)
3. Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Animation Festival - Head to the Magic Bag for your dose of short animated films with a crazy twist. December 27—30.
4. Great Lakes Invitational - Are you Jonesing for some hockey? Catch some college hockey in Detroit at the 48th annual invitational. December 29—30.
5. Motor City Muse: Detroit Photographs, Then and Now - More than 100 photographs are featured in this exhibit exploring the people, city streets, and automobile culture of Detroit. Through June 2013.
Bonus: Sledding hills around Detroit
Do you know of a great event going on in Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!
Reader Comments (1)
thanks for the scoop. i always try to make it to #3 every year. very gnarly animation lol.