Actions Speak Louder Than Words

When I first had the idea for this blog I didn’t want to just talk about how great Metro Detroit and Michigan are. I mean, I can talk about it all I want but after awhile I would start to feel a bit inauthentic if I didn’t actually DO something to help the community.
So, I’m getting my hands dirty and getting involved.
First of all, this is Buy Michigan Week and there is a Buy Michigan Now Festival going on in Northville all week. The message of buying local has been going around for a while, but do you make an effort to support your local businesses, products, and services? If not, this is a great time to start. I try, but not hard enough.
What can we do?
- Go to your local farmers market and buy locally grown fruit and vegetables.
- Instead of stopping at Starbucks for your daily caffeine fix try an independent coffee shop in your neighborhood (Or Biggby’s, which is a Michigan company).
- Hiller's Market is doing a great job labeling local products with a 'Made in Michigan' tag, look for it.
Secondly, I’m participating in the Blood, Sweat, & Gear campaign, which is being initiated by Motor City Connect. Motor City Connect is the fastest growing networking group in Detroit and they’re bringing people together to create a positive change.
So what is Blood, Sweat, & Gear? It’s a weeklong campaign supporting 3 charities.
Blood (Supporting the Red Cross of Southeastern Michigan)
Did you know that someone needs blood every two seconds? Yep. And one pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. Motor City Connect is sponsoring a blood drive today in Northville at Buy Michigan Week. So, I’m donating blood today.
Unfortunately, they won’t take the husbands blood (because he lived in England during the time of Mad Cow) so I’m doing this on my own. I can tell you I’m not really thrilled about getting poked by needles. What thrills me, though, is saving lives. You can do this too! Just contact your local Red Cross and give blood this week. What is your reward? Saving lives and free juice and cookies.
Sweat (Supporting Motor City Blightbusters)
They will be spending July 29, July 31, and August 1st fixing up houses in the Redford area. The husband and I will be doing this on Wednesday and hopefully later in the week, as well. The husband is a builder, carpenter, and tradesman, and it hasn’t been easy for him to find work here in the U.S. We’re going to put his skills to use, swing some sledgehammers, get sweaty, and try to give a bit of a lift to the area.
Gear (Suppporting Operation: Kid Equip)
When I was in school I loved going shopping for new school supplies. There was something about those new notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, and empty folders that meant new adventures were on the horizon. Those school supplies got me excited to go back to school, to learn. Seriously, I remember swooning over a Trapper Keeper.
Not all kids are as lucky as I was, some families can’t afford new school supplies for their children. And face it, in today’s economy many families won’t be able to afford shiny new notebooks.
The mission of Operation: Kid Equip is to serve the educational needs of children by providing free school supply kits to students from low-income families.
How can you help?
- Donate school supplies. Here is a list of the supplies needed and these are the drop off points.
- Give up that latte for one day and donate what you can afford to the cause.
- Me? I can't wait to go and buy some school supplies for these kids!
I know many of you have your own causes that you support. And I know times are difficult for everyone. People are busy.
But, if any of you were looking for a way to contribute, like I was, I thought I’d put this out there. I’m excited to contribute positively to my community and make a difference. I hope you’re doing the same in your community, wherever you are, in your own way.

Reader Comments (6)
Some great suggestions!
Westborn Market in Berkley is also good about stocking a lot of Michigan product (they have a whole area dedicated to local products, but you'll find them throughout the store, too).
Westborn also hosts one of my favorite charitable events...and something I'm writing about as soon as I get back :)
Have fun at the outing. I have just shared a lot about it and haven't really been able to participate due to lack of funds and other things.
Props to you, Becks! And thanks for sharing all your experiences with us. I have an enormous list of things I want to do and places I want to visit in this community (unfortunately work puts a stop on anything during the weekdays!), but at least I can live vicariously through some of your posts! :)
Thanks for the tip about Westborn Market! Looking forward to your future post.
Thanks Jamie and Nikki!
I'm all for pro-Michigan anything, any time of year. I also effing LOVE the D & have been following everything about BS&G but unfortunately I'm unable to participate this week for reasons I'll disclose in upcoming weeks. I'm all for the idea, though, and I'll be much more involved once I relocate back to MetroD this fall. Keep it up, though, I love the theme of your blog!
Thanks for the compliment! I look forward to you moving closer to Detroit and for this new news you allude to.
And this goes to Nikki, Jamie, Stacy & others: I happen to be in the fortunate/unfortunate circumstance that leaves me with a lot of time on my hands. I'm trying to look at the positive and explore Detroit, to utilize my time in a positive way. It's much better than twiddling my thumbs or complaining. It is a blessing. But having a full time job that I loved would be welcome as well!
We can all only do what we can do.