A Burger of Epic Proportions & A Burp

It’s that damn agonizing question that never gets answered, “What do you want for dinner?” In our house it just goes around in circles until we’re both dying of starvation. So, I made a decision. This decision was based on economics and trying to find something different, a place that we hadn’t been before, that might just be fun. When we walked into The Lodge in Keego Harbor we both knew we had found it.
The Lodge in Keego Harbor.The Lodge has it all: cheap beer, huge portions, an arcade, daily specials and different promotions such as a trivia quiz and vodka luge. And about a gazillion TV screens. We had the cheap beer, and what I mean by that is Molson Canadian in a huge boomba mug for $3.75. This thing was 22 ounces. They also have 16 Michigan beers but I’ll get to that later. (Don't forget, it's Buy Michigan Week.)
What’s for dinner?
The only thing that the husband didn’t want for dinner was a burger. And I made sure there were plenty of other options on the menu. But the burger got him. This was no ordinary burger. This was the Iditarod Challenge Burger. The husband couldn’t even pronounce it, seriously, he’d never heard of the Iditarod Race before.
The Iditarod Challenge Burger was 1 pound of beefy manliness. It wasn’t enough that it came with fries and coleslaw; you also had a choice of soup or salad. Sheesh, like the burger isn’t enough to fill you up! Oh, and yes, the husband had to add cheese. I think it was Cheddar-Jack.
Me, I just ordered the heart-attack-on-a-plate that is the Monte Cristo. I’m dainty like that.
A burger of epic proportions.
Now, I knew this burger was going to be huge but I wasn’t prepared for how huge. Look at it:
The Iditarod Burger at The Lodge in Keego Harbor.Not only did the husband finish the burger, but his plate was clean! He ate the burger. And the fries. And the coleslaw. He then finished off my Monte Cristo and then went back to his salad.
And then it happened.
If that wasn’t bad enough, if he didn’t already prove to our lovely server Sarah what pig he was, he burped. This was not your run of the mill burp that happens and you catch yourself and feel embarrassed. No. This was a buuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrppppp that seemed to go on for minutes, it was low and gravelly and the husband had that proud, accomplished look on his face. He might not have been embarrassed but I sure was.
So, back to those Michigan beers.
They have a beer club that is set up in 3 stages. When you drink 16 of the Michigan brewed beers you get a Lodge t-shirt. After you drink 30 of the domestic beers you get a $20 gift certificate. And once you quaff all 55 of their imports you get a hoodie. If you drink all 101 beers your name gets engraved on a wall so you can impress your friends. We didn’t attempt the beer club at this sitting because we had both already sucked down 2 of those monster-sized Molson Canadians.
It always comes down to economics.
Our bill for the food and 3 of those massive beers was $30. (I did have a coupon that saved us $7. See, I told you that being from Birmingham doesn’t make you snobby.) That is pretty cheap considering how much food and beer we consumed.
When you’re with each other as much as we are it’s nice to talk to other people. Our server, the bartenders, and the people we met at the bar were all super friendly. We’ll definitely be going back to The Lodge. I just hope the husband doesn’t try and impress me again with his mad burping skills. Because, really, it’s not a pretty picture.
(Please note that the beer club is meant to be done slowly over the course of months. Drink responsibly and have a designated driver.)

Reader Comments (6)
Sounds like our kind of place. We'll have to give it a try when we get back
Sounds like a great place!
Where do you live now? Just wondering you are going all over the place. 30.00 is good for 2 people including drinks and the cheese burger was HUGE and well worth the price. I probably could have eaten for days on that serving.
You should really give it a try. I'm sure it's not for everyone but it was exactly what we needed that night. We'll go back in a heartbeat.
We live in Bloomfield Township, but I don't mind driving a bit, after all we are trying to explore as much of Metro Detroit as we can. It's maybe 15 minutes away from us. And you are right, that burger would have fed me for a week!
I've seen this place in the past, but we've yet to try it.
Molson? Cheap Molson? Oh yeah, Mr. Tim will be taking me there soon :)
So you like your Molson, huh? Just so you don't hate me, the Molson was cheap because it was the "beer of the month." But I don't really see it being expensive at normal prices.
You should make a try. I'm sure it's not for everyone but it was exactly what we needed that night. We'll go back in our world.
Jamie, same name :)
We live in Bloomfield Township, but I don't mind driving a bit, because if the Energy Spark after all we are trying to explore as much of Metro Detroit as we can. It's maybe 15 minutes away from us. And you are right, that burger would have fed me for a week!